What Paleo Pete's kids eat

Forget Marmite on toast or even the occasional sugary cereal for a child's breakfast.

Because if your father happens to be celebrity chef and famous paleo enthusiast Pete Evans, you won't be enjoying any of that.

The chef shared an Instagram post of his daughter Indii's breakfast before school.

According to the caption, her breakfast is "Organic eggs, broccolini, bacon, lettuce, avocado, fish eggs, kraut and the eggs are topped with chimmichurri".

"The girls' favourite food is fish eggs so we get a jar every week as a treat from @yarvalleycaviar and they have a teaspoon on their breakfasts a few days a week," the post continues, adding: "Indulgence doesn't always have to mean sweet!"

To be fair though, this does look pretty delicious, and you've got to give him bonus points for making his child something healthy in the morning.

It's also timely.

Nutrition experts have today called for a co-ordinated approach to tackle Australia's obesity problem.

A study of 100 experts from 53 organisations conducted a landmark study on junk food consumption in the country, pushing for a national strategy to improve people's diets.

The study could see junk food banned from schools and sports venues, with the researchers saying reducing young people's exposure was important in tackling the problem.

That being said, we secretly hope Indii gets to enjoy a Wagon Wheel or two in-between all those organic eggs and greens.


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