'Paleo' Diet? Not Really (

So-called "paleo" diets -- fresh fruits and veggies, nuts, grass-fed meat and the like -- gained traction with the idea that people's bodies didn't evolve to handle all the industrial foods now available. While such diets certainly have their benefits, an essay published Monday[1] in Scientific American by paleoanthropologist Peter Ungar argues that current paleo diets may not have much to do with what real paleo-humans ate.

Cereal grains, he writes, were staples for some cultures long before domestication, he writes, and at any given time diets varied dramatically across the globe. One culture ate nothing but marine animals while another got 70% of its calories from melons. Moreover, as climate and conditions changed, so, too, did the human diet.

If anything, he concludes, dietary flexibility is the hallmark of humanity.

0 comments[2]


  1. ^ essay published Monday (blogs.scientificamerican.com)
  2. ^ 0 comments (www.medpagetoday.com)


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